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Act Now to Save ACP

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) will run out of funding in the spring of 2024, unless Congress takes immediate action to re-fund the program. This means you will lose your ACP benefits.

Contact your congressional representatives today

Let them know the ACP is critical to keeping your household connected to the internet. Click below to email your representatives about the importance of the ACP.

What Else Can I Do?

Contact additional Representatives

Contact additional Representatives so they can urge Congress to act soon. Visit to find the names and contact information for your Federal, State and Local representatives.

Email Your Representative Now

Apply for Federal Lifeline benefits

You can apply for Federal Lifeline benefits to ensure that your service remains connected if the ACP ends. Visit to see if you qualify for the program and if Life Wireless offers Lifeline plans in your state.

Stay tuned for updates

Stay tuned for updates on ACP program. Life Wireless will keep you informed of important program funding information.